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Abiltiy to Hide Warnings

There are times when is is acceptable to not have column matches (in any chart) or to have multiple entries for a shape on a map. We would like the ability to acknowledge and hide the little yellow "!" warning that appears in chart titles. The warning makes it look like there is a problem with the chart when we publish it to consumers, when in reality there is no problem.

Implemented in 10.3
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    • Guest
      Feb 8, 2019

      I mostly fixed this by using JavaScript. There can be a slight lag where you see the icon briefly (especially in the desktop). The downside is that this could change with software updates. 

      function hideError() {
          //find all warning buttons
          var x = document.getElementsByClassName("sf-element sf-element-button sfc-warning-button sfpc-first sfpc-last sfpc-odd");
          //loop through them and set display to none
          var i;
          for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
            x[i].style.display = "none";

      //call function on any event        
      $(document).bind('ajaxSuccess', function() {

    • Guest
      Feb 7, 2019

      This would make my visualization not in "error". Please implement!

    • Guest
      Feb 21, 2017

      Hey that checkbox does work for mismatches! Excellent! Thank you for pointing that out.

      However, it does not help my geocoding error on my map "There are multiple entries in the geocoding table..." It is that same "!" symbol as the mismatch "!", just with a different error.

    • Guest
      Feb 8, 2017

      Wonderful idea!

    • Guest
      Feb 8, 2017

      Do you mean the "Show notifications about mismatches" checkbox in the 'data' tab of the visualisation properties?