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Spotfire Ideas Portal
Status Implemented
Product Spotfire
Categories Visualization
Created by Guest
Created on Feb 16, 2017

Improve Table Visualization by loading only relevant columns and rows for In-db connection to SAP HANA

For our non-technical users we have set up Spotfire as a data exploration tool with an in-db SAP HANA data connection.

Our users want to fetch the details of a selection made in another chart. Since, details-on-demand is not available for an In-db connection they use data table.

Our in-db data model consists of multiple tables with relationships we are facing the following issues.

1. By default table visualization loads the data for all tables and all columns in the data connection. This makes it very, very slow and unnecessary as only few columns are mostly require. It takes a lot of time to generate a data table because of the multiple table joins.

2. Table visualization contains a lot of duplicate rows, even if only few of the columns are manually selected afterwards. Looks like Spotfire is still joining all tables, but should only involve those tables which are relevant for selected columns.

Implemented in 10.9
    Apr 21, 2020

    This option is available in Spotfire 10.9 and later.

    This option is configured by navigating to Data > Manage data connections > right-click an existing data connection > Edit Data Connection > Performance Settings.

    For connections embedded in Spotfire analyses, it's set by navigating to Data > Data connection properties > Settings > Performance Settings (see image above).

  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Oct 30, 2017

    The data table visualization should instead of showing all columns by default should show no columns and let the user add columns as needed.

    This would be similar behavior like with cube data.