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Action Log should track file saves to file system (non Library)

Thank you for allowing us to track file creations to the Library - we get a better sens of our important users - authors. Lots of users just save their Spotfire files tot he file system, however, and we do not know who they are and cannot engage them in any reasonable way. The Action Log should record when a file is saved to the file system - it might not be a perfect solution - the saver might not be the true author, but ir's probably pretty close.

This would be a big help to admins trying to identify important users to engage in large deployments.



  • Attach files
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    • Guest
      Mar 17, 2021

      Hi @Christian,

      File open is distinctly different than file save. It implies authorship, which is important for us to understand. In some instances (many), it is a creation of "garbage", a data leak. With all the new logging actions in 10.10, there is no reason why it cannot log file system saves IMHO.


    • Guest
      Jun 8, 2018

      We need this functionality which can be easily tracked who downloaded pdf,saved ect. This helps InfoSec compliance and understand usage of Data by end user. 

    • Guest
      Apr 11, 2018

      I think this might be a bit asking for too much in terms of what Action Logging captures. But rather than asking to track who saves a report on a file system why don't you look at who opens them from the file system? This is currently tracked by the Action Logging framework, run a query using this criteria:

      LOG_CATEGORY = 'file_pro' AND LOG_ACTION = 'load'