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Spotfire Ideas Portal
Status Future Consideration
Product Spotfire
Categories Data Management
Created by Guest
Created on Feb 3, 2019

Calculated columns takes properties of the first inserted(mentioned) column in expression

Hi Supporters,


If we insert a calculated column with an expression like the following: 'A + B', the resulted calculated column' properties takes the properties values of the "A" column's properties; which is the first mentioned column in the expressions.

But If we swap columns in the expression to be as: 'B + A',  the resulted calculated column' properties takes the properties values of the "B" column's properties.

Please find the attached .dxp and docx file for details.


One of our - PDF - custom tools and visualizations is filtering columns that have specific properties and blocking them from being used as a color by columns for example.

So once users are inserting calculated columns having one of these columns - which are already blocked - used in the expression, they won't be able to color by the resulted calculated column as it will take the same properties of the blocked column properties.


Once they have this issue, they need to go and manually -by script- to reset some properties of the calculated column in order to have it usable for coloring, or they need to modify the expression to have the blocked column not to be the first mentioned in the expression to overcome the issue which is inconvenient.


I also see it is unreasonable that calculated columns properties are set by default according to the first mentioned column's properties in the calculated column's expression. Why we don't have it optional?


Answering a question of 'What should the calculated column property show instead?" :-

It has to show empty values for these calculated column properties, as you can see for the ExternalName and ExternalId for ex. they are not set according to any of the used columns in the expression. Or to have it optional to choose which column properties we want our calculated column properties to be set as.

Thank you!

Best Regards,

Anas Ghannam












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