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Spotfire Ideas Portal
Status Implemented
Product Spotfire
Categories Installation
Created by Guest
Created on Nov 20, 2019

Make the server push installation locations configurable.

We all know that virusses and malware attempt to use known vulnerable locations on your computer. One of those vulnerable locations is the appdata temp which is used by Spotfire. 

To make your company a safer place you want to prevent software to be installed from there. 

To put us in the driver seat we would need to have the startup locations of the Spotfire client software to be configurable.

Implemented in 10.9
    Apr 21, 2020

    A solution to this problem is part of Spotfire 10.9 and later. For Windows users, the Spotfire Analyst upgrade .exe file will be launched from the folder where Spotfire Analyst is installed and not from temporary folders.

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