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Spotfire Ideas Portal
Status Implemented
Product Spotfire
Categories Library
Created by Guest
Created on Mar 6, 2020
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit TS-I-7332 Add context menu to "Browse the library" in new Spotfire X Analytics view.

Please add context menu options to copy link and rename items in Spotfire 10 library browser Merged

It would be convenient to be able to use the context menu in the spotfire 10 library browser in order to rename library assets, or to get the link (any kind, web client, installed client, path based, GUID based) to the asset for sharing with other users or putting in a document.

Implemented in 11.4
    Jun 29, 2021

    With the release of Spotfire 11.4 LTS it is now possible to rename and delete items in the Spotfire library directly from the Files and data flyout. You can also copy links to library items to share them with others. To access the new options, right-click a library item in the Spotfire library section of the Files and data flyout.

    Learn what's new in Spotfire 11.4 LTS