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Spotfire Ideas Portal
Status Implemented
Product Spotfire
Created by Guest
Created on May 7, 2020
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit TS-I-7773 Automatically distribute a custom Python interpreter.

upgrade/change the inbuilt python interpreter version in all Spotfire Analyst client using Spotfire server

spotfire Analyst version 10.9.0 which has python interpreter version 3.7.5 inbuilt.

To take the control of python interpreter version among all clients, Spotfire should provide Interpreter Package deployment over spotfire server , so all Analyst which are currently running on python version 3.7.5 would get upgrade installation of another python version such as 3.8.

Currently spotfire support python package(.SPK) for libs deployment over the server and on all clients get that upgrade in one shot. Just like this python interpreter version should also under control of spotfire server.

It will be helpful for Users , Who have their custom python package tested over another version of python interpreter , such as 3.8, than spotfire Analyst provide inbuilt , such as 3.7.5

Implemented in 10.10