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Data Canvas: Export/Import of ”node configurations” (transformation collections) to be reused in other dxp files.

It would be very productive if it was possible to export/import parts of the configurations (collections of actions) from the data canvas – to be (re)used in other dxp files. Despite that it is possible to exchange data sources in a dxp, which sometimes can be a workaround – it would be much better if “nodes” could be exported and reused as parts (functions) in other files.

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    • Guest
      Nov 26, 2020

      This would be very useful. We have analysis files which are regularly reused by user: Visualisations are adjusted, specialised action buttons put into text areas etc. User spend hours in refining such things to optimise their workflow. Now if an improvement is made in the originial template with respect to the data structure, infolinks have to be adjusted or something similar, then these user refined templates have to be adjusted which can cause a lot of work.