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list box property control enhancement: searchabilty + no more limit w.r.t. number of unique entries

AT the moment (Spotfire Analyst 7.11.1), the number unique entries within a list box property control window seems to be limited to ~1000.

The enginering application is to make the list box property control display unique values within a column of ones data. In more complicated charatcerization data sets, there can be quite a bit more than just 1000 unique values within the column of interest.

Right now, all the values beyond the current limit of ~1000 simply don't show up in the list box at all. This leads to annoying manual work like genertaing pre filtered calculated columns, that have <1000 unique entries only and use the list box property control on those.

So the first enhancement request would be to remove the current limit of 1000. Or maybe make it configureable somewhere in the options.

The 2nd enhancement request would be that one is able to narrow the list of entries shwon in the list box by typing the value that one wants to select. Same as with the list box filters in the filter panel. So if 5k unique values are displayed in the list, but only 5 contain the string "vos", then the ability to filter to "<STAR>vos<STAR>" should limit the visible entries down to those 5 only.

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