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"Unmatch all by default" checkbox in data table properties

Sometimes you want to suppress the column matching dialog, for example you wanna pivot a dynamic loaded tall table to a dynamic wide table. This can be achieved by using a data function in TERR or python. But you need to be carful, because it is important how the data function is triggered:

1) if you enable automatic reload you it will work and no dialog is showing up

2) if you trigger your script by an iron python script via table reload (because the script is your data source) you need a trick to suppress the matching dialog: your data function need a additional dummy output table where the column count is not changed. Your reload command in the iron python script must be on the dummy table. Then the intended table is refreshed and updated without the dialog

Proposal for Tibco: Add a checkbox in the data table properties to set "unmatch all by default" to suppress the annoying column match dialog.

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