When the Spotfire Library has a large folder, the clients are unable to display the folder contents, because the API request is bigger than 64Mb. The workaround is to increase this SOAP request configuration.
One solution would be to page the output, so we only see so many library items, but with a flag that indicates there is more. This flag can then pull the second page, etc.
Hi Miguel,
Version is 11.4.0, but I understand the problem is the same more recent versions.
I never got to find out the qty, but enough to beak the 64Mb API limit. Once this limit was increased from its default, the listing worked again.
Both Analyst Client and Web Player, as they both use the same library API.
This is only using the standard Spotfire clients, and the default 64Mb SOAP limit.
Hi Simon,
Some questions:
Which Spotfire version?
How many items are in the folder?
From which client does this happen? Are you using the web client or directly an API?