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I want to retain color settings when I change the category of an axis in a graph with properties.

I will answer based on the understanding that the color change is not reflected when categories A and B exist in the properties and the following actions are taken.     Step 1) Select category A for the axis of the graph, and change the color usin...
9 days ago in Spotfire / Analytics 1 Needs Info

Wish to add a function to calculate weighted averages

I would like to see a function added to calculate weighted averages.
9 days ago in Spotfire / Data Functions 1 Needs Info

replace identical data table must preserve all properties.

I replaced a carefully defined visualization (trellised scatterplot) that a colleague created with a new table consisting of the same table as current but with fewer rows (all columns exactly the same - I took the original table and filtered out r...
9 days ago in Spotfire / Visualization 1 Needs Info

Ability To Rename Multiple File Groups in Data Canvas

When we add individual data files to a dxp file, the name of the individual file is visible in the data canvas. That is helpful because it shows which data sets have been added. However, often it is faster to use "Files and data"->"Other"->"...
14 days ago in Spotfire / Data Management 3 Needs Info

Make memory consumption of visualizations visible

When working with "big data" it is important to keep memory requirements under control and oftentimes it is necessary to optimize analyses to reduce memory needs. There is actually two main sources driving Spotfire's memory needs: The size of the ...
3 months ago in Spotfire / Data Management 6 Needs Info

Launch time configuration parameters for new R Service needed, for NFS volumes.

This idea is needed for v14+, with the new R service, which is missing a key capability, allowing us to pass in NFS Share volume info at launch time, which prevents us from containerizing it, and further homogenizing our deployment. For many years...
11 months ago in Spotfire / System Administration 2 Needs Info

Stop Analyst from stealing Windows' focus

When opening Spotfire, or when executing something that has "progress", it steals the focus from WindowsOS multiple times. This is very disruptive for the user. While it loads I want to be able to surf the web, write e-mails or whatever my work de...
10 months ago in Spotfire / User Experience 2 Needs Info

Add option for Widget for toolbar this toolbar is not welcoming for user reading dashboard. i would like to propose using small icon for widget that would ...
about 2 months ago in Spotfire / User Experience 1 Needs Info


When you create a worksheet template, the line spacing between related items is too wide for a hard line break (Enter only). Therefore, we now use a soft line break (Shift + Enter) to partially close the line spacing. However, this method may br...
4 months ago in Spotfire / Text Area 1 Needs Info

Duplicate pages on web player

we want to duplicate pages on web player like client
3 months ago in Spotfire / Analytics 1 Needs Info