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Showing 1372
131 VOTE

Multiple scales in box plot

Create a box plot with two items on the y-axis, and then set Trellis By to 'Column Names'. The scaling in both panels is the same so you cannot get reasonable looking box plots. Expected: You should be able to to into the y-axis Property and selec...
about 9 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 1 Future Consideration
125 VOTE

New property controls: checkbox and radio button

Currently we only have checkboxes and radio buttons for filters, but often filters doesn't give enough flexibility to developers. How I imagine the new property controls to work: - checkbox: it would work similarly to List Box multiple select pr...
over 8 years ago in Spotfire / Text Area 7 Future Consideration
120 VOTE

in-visualization drill down on chart axes hierarchies and cross-table axes levels

Currently when you have a hierarchy on either a cross-table OR a visualisation axes ie. Year->Month->Day or Country->State->town... you cannot drill through the Hierachy - only expand it to show EVERY single value across every level of...
over 8 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 12 Future Consideration
100 VOTE

Allow changing grand total and subtotal names in cross tabs.

Would like ability to change the name of the Grand Total/Subtotal columns and rows in a crosstab. Perhaps add a variable or expression to show what the subtotal is referring to, e.g. Subtotal Product.
over 7 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 0 Future Consideration
118 VOTE

Provide more shape options and ability to add custom shapes

In a scatter plot, Edit > Properties > Shape, provide more shape options and also add the ability to add custom shapes.
about 9 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 12 Planning to implement
104 VOTE

Keep Colour schema when change the Colour dimension

In any graph, If the dimension on colours section change, the Colour scheme will change with to the default one. I think it would be more correct if it the graph keep the same color scheme even if the dimension that manage the colour change. We s...
about 8 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 5 Future Consideration

Add hatching option to color setting

Please add a hatching option to the color settings. Hatching is another way to increase color variation.
about 2 months ago in Spotfire / Visualization 0 Future Consideration

Show more than 250 colors in the legend

Please increase the MaxValuesPerLegendItem from 250 to 1000 or more. In the manufacturing field, it is now common to apply 500 or more colors to each defect category and identify them with a legend.
about 2 months ago in Spotfire / Visualization 0 Future Consideration
111 VOTE

Allow more than 1000 values in a property control

The Spotfire property control drop down and listbox is currently limited to 1000 values, but we often need to let the user chose from 2000, or sometimes 3000 or more values. The limit of the property control should be increased and the design shou...
about 9 years ago in Spotfire / Text Area 5 Future Consideration

Provide a point-and-click tool for converting imported spatial structures directly from WKT (well known text) to WKB (well known binary).

Provide a point-and-click tool for converting imported spatial structures directly from WKT (well known text) to WKB (well known binary). One important goal for this tool is to enable import of a structure in WKT from an Enverus database, co...
3 months ago in Spotfire / Maps 0 To be Reviewed