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Crosstable aggregate function for totals

I need to show the average of the row values in a cross table. The only option is a total as a sum, but what I really need is the average. In Tableau I could do this easy, when will Spotfire add this?
about 4 years ago in Spotfire / Custom Expressions 4 Future Consideration

Configurable sorting in cross table headers

Currently cross tables are presented with a default sorting, as alphanumeric ascending in precedence of column/row positions. This default can now be adjusted to sort based on the results, but not on the values in the headings themselves. Cros...
over 8 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 5 Future Consideration
103 VOTE

Set scale label intervals

* In a DecisionSite Client scatter plot, you can set tick intervals(Properties dialog > Axes > Add > Ticks > Interval) * In a DXP scatter plot, you only have the Max number of scale labels setting(Properties > Y-axis > Scale labe...
about 9 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 3 Future Consideration

Web Data Entry: Seperate rights to create Data Entry Setup and entering/approving data

At the moment, a Data Entry Admin (EDE Permission) is able to enter, delete data and edit already approved data (HEDIT). Customers want to be able to separate these two areas. Therefore, it would be needed to remove the hidden rights (DE, HEDIT) f...
about 3 years ago in Spotfire Statistica 2 Already exists

Web Data Entry: Allow entering revisions based on role and not for a specific user

At the moment, if an entered sample needs revision and is set to status "Requires Revision" by an Approver/Admin, only the initial data enterer is able to enter the change. This person might not be available in a reasonable time frame, leaving the...
about 3 years ago in Spotfire Statistica 1 Needs Info

Administration: Export Bookmark information of analyses (private and public) with tools

Hello, Issue : To synchronize all analyzes from Design server to Production on another server, we need for each push, clean production and import the new version of analyze. I lost the private or public Bookmarks (create on production)... I need o...
about 7 years ago in Spotfire / Library 0 Future Consideration

Add spatial heat map fit to map chart

Quoting from the exchange portal's spatial heat map data function: "Studying raw point data for patterns can be difficult owing to uneven spatial coverage, and random variability in the values." So the motivation is clear and the above data functi...
over 4 years ago in Spotfire / Maps 0 Future Consideration
101 VOTE

Search should be available in listbox property controls

As the list box filters have the "(All)" option, the customer is using the list box property controls to work around this. The list box property control, on the other hand, does not include the search functionality which is required as they have a...
about 9 years ago in Spotfire / Text Area 2 Future Consideration

Data Functions interoperability

Share data between executions, remove cyclic dependencies, and generally help data functions work together better Submitted by DS Team
over 2 years ago in Spotfire / Data Functions 0 Future Consideration

Import function for removing large numbers of users from a group

We often have to import a lot of users (3000+) for our HR department to add them to a group, that provides access to specific dashboards. However we see that a lot of these users do not actually use these dashboard, sometimes more than 600. So we ...
almost 3 years ago in Spotfire / System Administration 0 Future Consideration