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Spotfire Ideas Portal
Status Future Consideration
Product Spotfire
Categories Filters
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 1, 2016

Improve "Organize Filters" dialog

Currently it is really cumbersome to organize the filters, especially if you have many data tables and/or many columns in a data table.

Improvements should include (but are not limited to):

  • ability to search for columns like in other dialogs to be able to quickly find and mark/unmark them
  • ability to mark several columns /data tables at the same time to be able to select/deselect them at once
  • move columns/data tables with the pointer and not just by "move up/down/first/last". This could again include the marking of several items (either mark by drawing a rectangle with the pointer or by selecting an item and selecting another while pressing Shift or Ctrl, like it is known from other software programs)
  • ability to modify the filter type within that dialog by right-clicking on the column.
  • ability to delete and create filters in case the Filters property of the data table is set to "Manage manually"
  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Mar 22, 2023


    • Multiple layers of groups - the ability to have groups within a group.

    • The ability to move multiple filters into a group with a single select/move.

    • (This one will be a challenge) The ability to apply a structure (multiple filter groups each with multiple filters) from one table to another when the tables have the same columns.

  • Guest
    Jul 12, 2016

    Also the ability to expand and collapse all tables with a single click