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Improve "Organize Filters" dialog

Currently it is really cumbersome to organize the filters, especially if you have many data tables and/or many columns in a data table.

Improvements should include (but are not limited to):

  • ability to search for columns like in other dialogs to be able to quickly find and mark/unmark them
  • ability to mark several columns /data tables at the same time to be able to select/deselect them at once
  • move columns/data tables with the pointer and not just by "move up/down/first/last". This could again include the marking of several items (either mark by drawing a rectangle with the pointer or by selecting an item and selecting another while pressing Shift or Ctrl, like it is known from other software programs)
  • ability to modify the filter type within that dialog by right-clicking on the column.
  • ability to delete and create filters in case the Filters property of the data table is set to "Manage manually"
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    • Guest
      Mar 22, 2023


      • Multiple layers of groups - the ability to have groups within a group.

      • The ability to move multiple filters into a group with a single select/move.

      • (This one will be a challenge) The ability to apply a structure (multiple filter groups each with multiple filters) from one table to another when the tables have the same columns.

    • Guest
      Jul 12, 2016

      Also the ability to expand and collapse all tables with a single click