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Spotfire Ideas Portal
Status Future Consideration
Product Spotfire
Categories Visualization
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 19, 2016

Leader line on chart value labels

Currently when you enable labels on a GeoChart object you get really great leader lines on the labels that properly positions labels and makes the underlying content readable.

When we add labels to chart values ie on a line chart - it places the label directly on top of the point with no offset or leader line option.  When you have two close line charts OR close values in the same series... the labels are basically overlapping and unreadable.

Can you enable an option to add a leader line and a value for the leader line length.  Also an option to label every n-th value ie every third label value point 1 and 3 when set to 3 OR the current method which is the last or top n values.

We currently don't use value labels because of this which is a shame.

Ta - love spotfire!

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  • Guest
    Apr 18, 2018

    Also here I'd like to add the same functionality for labels of curve fits.