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Insert Chart Object in to a Text Area

We would like to be able to insert a chart object ie. a line chart - into a text area.

This would allow us to really easily:

1) float in/out visualisations in a html text area based upon user selections

2) swap in/out messages and images based upon whether the visualisation/chart contains any data

3) even pop up a visualisation or table ie summary table in a jQuery dialog using JS.

Huge variety of options IF we could insert chart objects (all visuals actually) into html text areas.

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    • Guest
      Nov 19, 2022

      I recently have created a Python script that will dynamically create indexed binary document properties for image exports from visuals selected in a list-box. of course the images are static but do allow for easy arrangement

    • Guest
      Sep 2, 2022

      Exxon wants this as well

    • Guest
      Jun 2, 2021

      I tried to build a highly custom dashboard that used 60 dynamic items (calculated values, icons and bullet graphs. I inserted the bullet graphs on a .hover on the icon. I would have loved to be able to insert a trend chart (bar or line) instead. I could have put in a spark line, but it lacks some context and customization that a bar or line chart would have allowed. However, given the performance penalty of having so many dynamic items, I have to abandon the idea.

      Here is my take on it can be seen here in the included PNG image. The hover holds, so it would be possible to hover over the bullet graph and have the trend chart show up there in a nested fashion. But, performance of so many dynamic items tanked this approach.

    • Guest
      Jul 24, 2020

      It would be nice if we could "undock and float" components, as in Tableau.

      That would allow infinite new combinations of elements, as in many cases I have panels with lots of blank space between components, and not necessarily improving readability because instead of arranging relevant information together, we have to place them apart and hope that the user will make the link in their minds.

    • Guest
      Aug 15, 2016

      Hiya Niklas,  Brilliant to hear from you.  Yes good questions - here's how I would do those two points:

      Point 1

      1)  I would create a couple of div's with the same class, different id's

      2) I would then give the user a drop-down or button to pick which vis they want.

      3) I would put a chart object in each individual div

      4) using JS i would hide all divs with that class and then only show the div by ID the user selected.  Same way I have built the custom html buttons (see wiki - tips and tricks).


      Point 3

      1) So we are using jQuery dialog to pop out a window/frame upon clicking a button.  Basically create a div in a text area - insert a chart object or more importantly a table

      2) set that div up by class as a jQuery.dialog() 

      3) pop up/out that div as a dialog upon the user clicking a button... we would often put data in a table in that div... we're doing this now but using a html table we build dynamically - alot of mucking around tho and still can't do charts.


      Hope that helps... attached is a concept of what I mean and how i'd use it... This isn't a feature we've seen in any of the 15 platforms we've been evaluating over the last 3 years... so would be super useful and very novel!

    • Admin
      Niklas Amberntsson
      Aug 15, 2016

      Dave, I am analyzing your request, but feel I need a bit more information to make sure I understand what you are looking for. I understand you want to be able to put a visualization inside a text area. But its not clear to me how that would enable you to acheive at least bullets 1 and 3 in your request? Perhaps if you could describe with a concrete example of what you would like to do and what the end result should look like it will be easier for me to understand. Kind regards - Niklas 

    • Guest
      Aug 12, 2016

      If you could do this then using javascript... you could show/hide the objects using controls which would be amazing!!! Basically we could 'stack' visualisations in the same canvas space in a text area!!! Want to vote about 10 times for this one!