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Spotfire Ideas Portal
Status Will not implement
Product Spotfire
Categories Visualization
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 9, 2016

Merge cells in crosstable x axis

I am trying to merge cells in the crosstable rows mainly on the x axis for the calulated rows. Currently we are able to merge cells on the yaxis to build a hiearchy.

It would be really helpful if you can you make this available on the x axis for calculated rows

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  • Admin
    Arnaud Varin
    Feb 18, 2022

    I'm marking this idea as "will nnot implement" since we need more info on the use case. Please comment on this idea if you have more information to reopen it.

  • Admin
    Arnaud Varin
    Jun 15, 2021

    Hello and thank you for this idea.

    I would like to make sure I understand the request. Would you be able to share a screenshot with some explanation with what you are trying to achive? Also, what version of Spotfire do you use?