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Create SDMS Approval Workflows

It would be very helpful if we could have workflows to approve objects in Statistica Enterprise that would support multiple users reviewing/approving an object.

A couple of enhancements to SDMS that might allow this:

  • Create a separate Statistica Enterprise Role for Document approvers with the ability to log into Enterprise Manager and approve documents, but not edit them directly.

  • If using major or minor versions as part of a workflow, create a system option to Enforce Use Of Latest Approved Major Version of a document. That would allow a minor version and major version approval in a two-step process.

  • Ideally, create a new feature that puts a document into a workflow where a single user or user group may be assigned to provide an approval. Then, allow multiple approval steps as required to capture signatures before releasing the major version for use by end users.

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    • Guest
      May 12, 2022

      Thank you for this input, Michael. I have for now created a ticket for Engineering, to review if/how the prior functionality might be restored as an option. The bigger question about workflow features, or integration is something we will track separately in our roadmap.

    • Guest
      May 12, 2022

      Statistica version 14 removed the ability to have multiple approvals on the same object in Enterprise Manager. Per Tibco Case 02105012 this was observed as a bug.

      We actually relied on this ability to workaround the fact that there is no Statistica document workflow where more than one user can be assigned to approve an Enterprise document. This reinforces our need to have some kind of workflow process in Statistica, capturing one electronic signature for object approval simply does not meet our needs.

      I believe other customers, like us, are coming up with workarounds outside Statistica to meet the the perform, verify, review process that our systems must follow to meet the requirements of Good Documentation Practice.