We're looking for a simple way to calculate the number of working weekdays. In Spotfire, there is no simple function, but in Tableau, there is a "Weekday"DateDiff("weekday",[ORDER DATE],[DELIVERY DATE])In Spotfire, the closest I got is this reference page, with an absurdly long statementhttp://tibcoanalytics.com/spotfire/archive/totw/2010-01-23.html((((Integer(((Integer(DateDiff("day",[ORDER DATE],[DELIVERY DATE]) / 7) * 5) + DayOfWeek([DELIVERY DATE])) - DayOfWeek([ORDER DATE])) + (if((integer(DayOfWeek([ORDER DATE])));(integer(DayOfWeek([DELIVERY DATE]))),5,0))) - (if((integer(DayOfWeek([DELIVERY DATE])))=(6),1,0))) + (if((integer(DayOfWeek([DELIVERY DATE])));;(0),1,0))) + (if((integer(DayOfWeek([DELIVERY DATE])))=(0),1,0))) - (if((integer(DayOfWeek([ORDER DATE])))=(0),1,0))
Hi all,
you can download the extension via exchange.ai
Listed formula gives integer value. We need something like DateDiff result. Also, if it is possible, feature like to define number of hours in a working day for different calculations. It makes analysis like support tickets / delivery on time easy. Thank you.
Hi Harold,
we (MIA Solutions) implemented an extension that allows you to calculate the datediff excluding weekends + with working time definition. This is method description:
Calculates the working time difference between two datetime values
(Saturdays and Sundays are excluded).
Arg.1 = FromDateTime,
Arg.2 = ToDateTime,
Arg.3= FromWorkingTime,
Arg.4 = ToWorkingTime.
Example: DateTimeDiffWork(DateTime(2012,11,19,8,0,0,0),DateTime(2012,11,26,22,30,0,0),Time(9,0,0,0),Time(17,30,0,0))
Output: 2.3:0:0.000
If that is what you are searching for, contact me via michal.jakubik@miasolutions.sk - I will be happy to discuss more details with you.