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Spotfire Ideas Portal
Status Future Consideration
Product Spotfire
Categories Analytics
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 13, 2017

Support for Packrat within Statistics server

Managing R packages for large communities of users isn't simple. We currently force groups to use their own file shares for the specific versions of packages that they need, then have them load them using the .libPaths function - that way we don't have to worry about one group upgrading a package and potentially breaking another group's work that was referencing a shared copy of the package. But this method has limitations - e.g. you're hoping that the binary version of the package that you store to the file share happens to also work on the Statistics Server. It would be ideal if Spotfire supported the "Packrat" package ( with features such as:

  • Data Function editor allow you to install specific versions of packages and store those version needs as a Packrat private library.
  • Statistics Server automatically restore Packrat private library for a data function - including caching locally to ensure that all restore operations are very fast (after the first one).
  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Jan 11, 2018

    I figured out a 'solution' and documented it on the Wiki:

    it would still be far better if Spotfire supported it natively, but at least I found a way to make things somewhat work...

  • Guest
    Jul 24, 2017

    This would help us a lot as well...Considering most of Spotfire Statistics server environments are shared within multiple teams, having a support for Packrat is necessary...