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Spotfire 10 - Details on Demand hot toggle and lock for pull out filters tab


We just upgraded to Spotfire 10.  Although overall, it looks great, here are things that I instantly missed from the prior version.


1) The details on demand toggle is gone.  This is super important to bring back, because users sometimes close the details on demand by accident and they have been taught to look for it as a toggle.  I know it might seem intuitive to look for it under the view menu, but that is going to confuse a lot of our non-digital native spotfire users.


2) As the author, I had really come to appreciate the data tab on the left.  It's still there, but it disappears every time you click out of it, which makes using during the design phase time consuming. I wish there was an option to lock it open.


Keep up the good work on the improvements!


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