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Sorting with multiple columns


If I add multiple columns in a cross table the sorting doesn't work. All my rows are sorted alphabetically and within the hierarchy it is sorted the way I want. What I want is if I have a cross table in which there are 3 columns. Column A, Column B and Column C. 

Column A and B are dimensions and Column C is a measure. My aim is to sort the table is descending order based on C. If I remove B it works but If i add column B it doesn't work and it gives me alphabetically sorting on A.

Ideally it should it should preserve the hierarchy and instead of giving me the result alphabetically it should sort on decreasing/increasing value of C

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      Niklas Amberntsson
      Mar 4, 2020

      Hi Tauseef, I might have misunderstood, but it looks to me this is already possible. See below screenshot; by (left) clicking on the column Class Sales you can open the popover and select how to sort (globally or within the hierarchy). Let me know if this is not what you are looking for.