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Loading Selected Columns from large files

Currently, if you have a very large file with several worksheets and columns within those worksheets Spotfire must read every column in that file even if you're only using a handful of columns.  This makes download and refresh times very long compared to the limited amount of data trying to be used.  An option to selectively read only the desired columns would be much more efficient and greatly improve the flexibility of the tool.  Thanks!

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    • Guest
      Jun 13, 2022

      Here's my wishlist - #1 would be my first choice. It would be SO helpful especially in situations like one I ran into recently, where I had a flat file that came from the source system with 1,500 columns.

      1. 1. Convert column selection into a query code that could be used instead of the GUI to select columns. This would make the selection reusable if you need to replace the data table by simply copying/pasting code. Excel PowerQuery does this and it's amazing!

      2. 2. Make column selection upon importing a file similar to the "Exclude columns" transformation, where you can "Remove All" and add just the columns you want in a vertical window view

      3. 3. Add a check box to "deselect all"

    • Guest
      Feb 20, 2020

      Have you deselected columns not needed suing the import settings dialog for csv and Excel files?