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Reinstate "Hide Data Table" option in Filter Panel

Between verisons 10.3 and 10.6, the "Hide Data Table" option was removed from the Context Menu of the Filter Panel.  Now you have to open the Organize Filters menu, scroll to the table you want to hide, un-check the box, and close the window.  It was much faster to hide 1 table with the old method especially if you have a lot of tables in your Analysis.

Implemented in 10.9
    Apr 20, 2020

    This is fixed in Spotfire 10.9.

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    • Admin
      Niklas Amberntsson
      Jul 8, 2020

      Thanks Steve, the "show in user interface" in data tables properties only affects the data table name in the filter panel. If there are filters from a hidden data table that are selected in the organize filters dialog, they are shown (it is a possible use case). You are right that there is a glitch when you turn off "Show in user interface", the filter panel still shows the data table name until the filter panel is redrawn (which happens if you switch page, close/open the dxp etc).

    • Guest
      Jul 7, 2020

      Hi Niklas,

      I've done some further testing on this.

      I have an existing dxp file with multiple data tables. When I open the filter panel there are filters from multiple data tables visible, but the data table names are not displayed at all and so I can't select the hide data table option.

      On further investigation, only one of the data tables is set to "Show in User Interface" in the data table properties. This appears to be why the data table names are not being displayed, however there are still columns from the hidden data tables displayed in the filter panel.

      See attached document for screenshots and further explanation.

      So this appears to be a bug, although in a way it's related to an idea I posted yesterday - about hiding columns from hidden data tables by default when creating a new data table

      Hope this helps


    • Admin
      Niklas Amberntsson
      Jul 7, 2020

      Steve, I still see the hide data table option in the context menu for the data table in the filter panel in Spotfire 10.10. You must click on the data table "header" as indicated in the screenshot to see the hide data table option. Can you please see if that works?

    • Guest
      Jul 6, 2020

      It appears that this option has again disappeared in Spotfire 10.10

      Please re-instate it!

    • Guest
      Feb 28, 2020

      Thanks! I thought it was a weird thing to remove. :-)

    • Admin
      Niklas Amberntsson
      Feb 28, 2020

      Jennifer, thanks for reporting this. The change was unintentional (that is, it was a bug) and will be resolved in a future release.