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Spotfire Ideas Portal
Status Future Consideration
Product Spotfire
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 3, 2020

Spotfire Analyst - Information designer search result filter and actions improvements

When using the Find All References, the result can contain several thousands of records. It is good to have a list, bu no further action can be done on the items found.

In order to help the Administrators, Information Designer users, the following would be really helpful.

In the "Find Results" window, I would like to be able to filter on each element type (Information Link, Column with sub checkboxes for each data type, Filter etc) and a "Deselect All" button to uncheck all the item types.

In addition, be able to sort (ultimately filter also) on the Path. Having another column with Item Type, which could also be used for sorting. Each item type would be separated with a line, as it is now between the DXP Files and "the rest".

Having this in place, a right-click on the selected item could allow you different operations for each item type.

  • Copy

  • Move

  • Edit properties

  • Edit

  • Delete (valid for multiple selected items)

  • Etc...

See attached adapted screenshot.

Thank you for your consideration.

Kind regards,


  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Jun 30, 2021

    Please Tibco,

    consider a minor/major release that focuses on small, time-saving UX tweaks like this. In sum they will make Spotfire a much more favourable product to use.

  • Guest
    Jul 6, 2020

    Thanks again for an excellent idea and descripiton Xavier.