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Warning when closing tabs in Spotfire Desktop

Our Spotfire Workbooks/Analyses can have a significant amount of tabs in them. When using the workbooks, it can occur that one 'misclicks' when selecting a tab. Instead of selecting a tab, accidently a tab is closed.

For closure of tabs, currently no warning is given or no confirmation is asked. Therefore it is possible that the user does not notice a tab has been deleted, which makes the deletion permanent when the workbook is saved.

However, in the case that the user notices that it has closed a tab, it can not be re-opened with an undo or ctrl+z. To get the tab back requires several steps of workaround (opening the old version, copy-pasting it back in).

Summarizing, if there would be an option to enable warnings on tab closure, this would be a big improvement. Until closure of tabs is protected, it should at least be 'undo-able'. Thanks!

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    • Guest
      Jun 21, 2022

      @Dirk, as of v11.4x, users are able to undo tab deletion. However, this process may take long depending on content size.

      A warning pop-up would avoid this altogether :)

      Even better, if admin can enable/disable tab deletion on Users/Groups/Licenses level.

    • Guest
      Feb 24, 2021

      From my POV definitely a thing to look at - user actions should be undo-able or have a warning.