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Scale Axis Lines need to be darker in Trellis plots

Spotfire graphics submitted for publication are criticized by reviewers for axis lines which are too light. Research on the support website indicated that the Visual Theme settings for Visualization Scale line color could be used to change the color from the default gray. This works on most individual plots, but does not work on trellised plots. The tick mark color however, always seems to work. Presently, we can export the plots into Powerpoint and change axis colors there, but it gets to be tedious when work on relatively large matrices of plots (e.g. 96 and 384 well plate data. The axis line colors for the single plots should be usedf in the trellis plots or there should be a setting in the Visual Theme for Trellis plot lines. Thanks

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    • Guest
      Jun 2, 2021

      Unfortunately, The issue is exist even in the latest version of Spotfire

    1 MERGED

    Trellised visualisation axes should adhere to custom theme color

    I have set visualisation scales to black in the custom theme. I've realised recently that in trellised graphs, the axes lines are not black but grey, not black. Interestingly, the tick marks adhere to the color I set in the custom theme, so this m...
    over 4 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 0 Future Consideration