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Long labels in Box plots

We have a significant number of users analyzing data in Spotfire Analyst. They need to use box plots, and always come to the problem that they can't see the labels because they are too long. This difficulty also happens with any visualization with trellis, it simply cannot break the labels into multiple lines or make it like a horizontal layout where the width can be controlled by the user.

Unfortunately, our users are going back to Excel because the visualizations in Spotfire are a bit too limited.

The issue is that they need to export to PowerPoint, or screenshot, and rework all labels/visualizations manually every time they want to analyze anything. It shouldn't be like that.

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    • Guest
      Sep 1, 2023
      The same problem appears in any visualization once Trellis is used. For example, a scatter plot with trellis by a column with long strings. Thanks for creating the idea