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Data Function Icons

A large number of very useful data prep, data transformations and machine learning functionality was recently made available in Spotfire thanks to the new data function concept. The list is likely to keep growing since it is so easy to create new data functions and share them with the TIBCO Spotfire community. However the long list of functions looks a bit boring since the all use the same icon.

The list or data functions in the library and in the data function panel will looks a lot less intimidating and more inviting if the data functions had different icons that reflected there functionality. That would also make them more approachable to users who just wants to transform their data in the same without caring about what a data function is from a technical standpoint,

Ideally It should be possible for the data function creator to specify an icon similar to how visualization mod creators can specify icons. perhaps it could be something as simple as an optional tag in the data function definition containing inline svg.

Implemented in 12.1
    Nov 15, 2022

    Starting with Spotfire 12.1, an icon can be assigned to a data function for faster identification and selection among several in the f(x) panel.

    Learn more about this new feature and everything new in this release from the what's new in Spotfire 12.1 page.

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