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Change visualization properties on many visualizations at once

I often start analyzing data by creating a number of visualizations to see the data from different perspectives, I change the visualizations until they show what I need. Then, when I want to share the results, I want to clean up the visualizations for example by configuring the legend. Now, I have to do this in one visualization at a time. It would be faster to multi-select visualizations and make the legend settings once only, but applied to all the selected visualizations. The same thing could be relevant for display names on axes, tooltips, color schemes, scales etc.

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    • Guest
      Aug 31, 2022

      yes, I agree completely Niklas. I am just surprised on how Spotfire is not just a tool, but a platform that can allow you to achieve the impossible ;-)

    • Admin
      Niklas Amberntsson
      Aug 31, 2022

      Thanks Jose, and great that there is a solution using scripting. I was however thinking it would be valuable to have a more business user friendly capability to do this from the UI.

    • Guest
      Aug 30, 2022

      Nice Idea! That could be done with IronPython script as a work around having the visualization as one input parameter and a comma separated values of visualization titles as a second input parameter. Not all attributes are compatible with other visualizations, but there are many that are common, such as marking, filtering, show labels, etc. All these settings can be turned on or off within the script by using global Boolean variables at the beginning of the script.