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Visualization Aliases: same viz in all pages, only one to be maintained

In some cases, I need to duplicate a visualization in all pages, mainly a text area that is a menu / navigation bar / control panel.
The problem is modifying those menu is a boring and error prone task.
A solution could be to have "visualization alias" that is just a reference to the created vizualization somewhere else in the Analysis. We would only have to modify 1 visualization to make it different everywhere.
A bit further. In the idea TS-I-6167, I wish I had vizualization properties (a property that apply in the vizualisation scope). If we add the ability to override properties in "alias vizualization", we could create a "master Vizualisation" base on this properties (in axis expressions, scripts, data limiting expression...) and have slightly different behaviours depending on the page context, and have a simple way to manage modifications.
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