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Better Logic / Control over Column Name Changes


I've recently had a support case (Case#2463638) about unwanted column name changes when using the "add rows" feature in combining data sets. In discussions around that case, we documented some inconsistencies around column name changes that depended on the order in which the two data tables were joined and how many columns were in the data set.

The case resolution was that choosing "Do Not Identify Origin of Rows" will revert all column name changes. I am grateful for the ability to opt out of these non-useful column name changes.

My ideas related to this case are:

1) develop an explicit out-of-the-name change unrelated to the Identify Rows functionality. These two features seem unrelated to one another, and I don't understand why the creation of an additional column to identify the data origin has anything to do with the logic behind changing column names.

2) to review the programming around when and how name changes are applied. There were so many inconsistencies identified in this case that I would argue that there is room for improvement in the code that controls the process.

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