there is documentation how to generate the Streambase Fragement and the Streambase Application Container via the GUI: https://docs.streambase.com/latest/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.streambase.sb.ide.help%2Fdata%2Fhtml%2Fadmin%2Fdocker-lv-create.html and with the maven plugin: https://github.com/TIBCOSoftware/tibco-streaming-maven-plugin/blob/1.6/ep-maven/src/site/markdown/general_examples.md
The drawbacks for this solution for us are:
GUI based builds cannot be automated
maven plugin requires fabric8 which requires docker access
we have to install streambase libs and components on Jenkins nodes
we have to maintain streambase libs on Jenkins nodes
Instead we want to create streambase build containers which include all proprietary streambase components and build the application. The jar's should then be bundled in containers and build with kaniko because we cant use docker in docker builds in gitlab-ci.
We managed to do the creation of fragment jar files, but we are stuck with wrapping them up in the container - eg. in a multi staged build: https://docs.docker.com/develop/develop-images/multistage-build/
Do you have any documentation on how to do this NOT using fabric8?
Thanks a lot and best regards
related support case: 02038865