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More color scheme choices please

Spotfire offers a paltry number of color schemes in the color dialog. 2 multi, and blue, gray and green. There are no decent accessible categorical schemes (eg red-green colorblind sensitive). No divergent color schemes. Tableau rocks all over this.
almost 3 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 1 Future Consideration

Formating Options for Markers Fill and Outline (Colors, Transparency, Dash Type, Width)

Dear all, There are cases were we want to format the markers of a visualization by setting the fill color white and choosing a color only for the outline of the marker. Just like we do in PowerPoint, we might also want to set the transparency, d...
over 8 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 3 Future Consideration

The Action "Navigate to visualization" should take page scroll into account

In my analysis I have a page that is very tall, so there are scrollbars on the page. At the bottom of the page I have a KPI chart that has actions to navigate to a second page with details about the clicked KPI Tile. At this second page, I have a ...
almost 2 years ago in Spotfire / Text Area 0 Future Consideration

Scatter plot line connection only for selected columns on Y-axis

In scatter plot line conneciton properties, lines are drawn for all columns on Y-axis. There is no option to choose line connection only for a particular column/columns out of group of columns on Y-axis. This is useful prticularly when plotting ra...
over 6 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 0 Future Consideration

Split cross table by column which is not displayed

Use case: We have materials with properties. However, materials can have multiple valid names, so they are identified by an ID. In a cross table, I want to combine data from multiple data tables with the key being the ID of the materials, but I wa...
over 5 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 0 Future Consideration

Make density ellipse in scatter plot

Hi I need do correlation between different insertion. So I select one test VCM_SOA <> VCM_VO10_ClampSOA_K14p5V from FRB as Y axis and another test Continuity_Parallel_TCO <> asi3_dc75_Force_short from FHA as X axis with density ellipse...
over 6 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 2 Future Consideration

Regex Link Renderer for columns

We would like to be able to apply a regular expression (regex) to a column to generate one or more link URLs. For example we have a string containing comma-separated IDs which we would like to render as a comma-separated list of link URLs. The cur...
over 8 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 2 Future Consideration

Waterfall Total as Stacked BarChart with percentages

After my WebCast today (PerkinElmer's What's new in Spotfire 7.11 LTS and 7.12) I recieved a couple of questions on how I built the Waterfall chart with percentages in the total. Well I must admit that this is a combination of two charts a Waterfa...
over 6 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 0 Future Consideration

Ability to set an (Boolean) expression under which a certain visualization is shown or not

It would be great if for any table or chart a valid state could be defined. If that state is not true, then a custom message should be shown. For example, I want to show a visualization only if a specific subset of my data is filtered, e.g. only a...
over 7 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 2 Future Consideration

change font of each part of the visualization

What we know is that font settings only in "Visualization -> Canvas Styling -> Edit custom theme" are applied to PDF/Powerpoint export. The Font tab in Visualization Properties are not applied when export. However the configurable items unde...
almost 2 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 0 Future Consideration