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Ability to export search results from Library Search

After having done a Library search (e.g. in Analyst > Tools menu > Library Administration), sometimes I would like to be able to export the search results, for further analysis or logging.
over 2 years ago in Spotfire / Library 0 Future Consideration

importing entire dxp file into existing dxp file

It would be nice to be able either import or combine library items. Some library items that have been created are complex and involve multiple working parts. As a result it may take a while to reproduce this library item in the current library ite...
about 5 years ago in Spotfire / Library 1 Future Consideration

Action Log should track file saves to file system (non Library)

Thank you for allowing us to track file creations to the Library - we get a better sens of our important users - authors. Lots of users just save their Spotfire files tot he file system, however, and we do not know who they are and cannot engage t...
about 7 years ago in Spotfire / Library 3 Future Consideration

Create link(s) to a report in the library with config block settings

Ability to create a link in the library like a "shortcut" with configuration block settings of a report. This so you can develop a more generic report and share the linked version in the library that contains a different configuration block. Yes y...
almost 3 years ago in Spotfire / Library 0 Future Consideration

Library Permissions Requiring Multi-Group Membership

Currently - if I have three groups on a folder, a user only has to be a member of one to access the analyses inside. So it is a Group A OR Group B type configuration. We would like to be able to set it up as an AND arrangement so must be in Group ...
over 8 years ago in Spotfire / Library 5 Future Consideration

Web Player Default View Mode To Editing

When a user with either a Business Author or Spotfire Analyst permissions opens a Spotfire library file in the Web Player the Default viewing mode is set to Viewing so they have to toggle to the Editing mode in order to interact with visualization...
about 5 years ago in Spotfire / Library 2 Future Consideration

add option to allow showing more than 100 results when searching the library

Please add option to allow showing more than 100 results when searching the library using Tool -> Library administration dialog. Sometimes we need to search for many dxp files and the 100 limit is too small to show all the result.
4 months ago in Spotfire / Library 0 Future Consideration

To have an opportunity to control size of the DXP files which are stored into the Spotfire Libraries.

Users are saving big files into the Spotfire Librsries which lead to the performance problems on Web Player. It would be great to have settings which allow to control size of files (DXP or SBDF) to store. It allows to reduce load on servers and da...
over 8 years ago in Spotfire / Library 0 Future Consideration

Ability to retrieve accidently deleted files from the Library, like "Recycle bin"

I think you should enhance the Spotfire product to have accidentally
about 9 years ago in Spotfire / Library 2 Future Consideration

Option to select Multiple objects while performing export

As of now, we can select either a folder or only one object inside a folder while doing export to library, it would be nice to have option to select multiple objects inside a folder so that administrator does not need to perform multiple export to...
almost 8 years ago in Spotfire / Library 0 Future Consideration