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Can you please add SIGN function to the math functions?

No description provided
about 4 years ago in Spotfire / Custom Expressions 1 Future Consideration

Add ability to edit data source properties

i am creating a custom data source that gets data from a URL. we periodically update the URL. i want to be able to edit the data source properties on demand, but not get prompted for it unless i specifically request it. This would be a major usabi...
about 4 years ago in Spotfire / Data Management 2 Future Consideration

Allow Horizontal View of Combination Chart

It would be greatly beneficial to allow the same horizontal display for a Combination Chart as is allowed in a Standard Stacked Bar Chart. Rotation of the graphic 90 degrees would allow more real estate in landscape than portrait.
about 4 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 0 Future Consideration

Allow undocked filter panel, tags, etc. to be drug onto a second monitor

Similar to the ability to have the dxp itself split between two monitors, I would like the ability to undock the filter the panel or tag panel and drag these to a second monitor.
about 8 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 0 Future Consideration

Dark Color Scheme Icon Issue

I changed the theme to Dark for my report. However I want the background of my text area to be white. I added a dynamic item and the background of the triangle is showing up as black. I am requesting a way to make the background of icons transparent
about 8 years ago in Spotfire / Text Area 0 Future Consideration

Uncheck of Notification Pop Up in Version 10

Is there any option where we can uncheck notification box by default to all reports and all users in version 10
about 4 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 1 Already exists

Checkbox as action control in spotfire.

Checkbox as a method of action control to trigger scripts/action controls or set document property from Textarea visualization.
about 8 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 0 Future Consideration

Dendrogram Implementation in Spotfire

We have users looking for Dendrogram. We cannot provide this as a stable solution via D3.JS as officially the JavaScript visualization plugin isn't fully supported by Tibco as the core product. The Network analytics plugin can work but limited to ...
about 8 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 3 Future Consideration

Ability to hide Analyst Information in Business Author

In business author, it would be nice to have a way to hide the "Analyst Information"? This option appears to be at odds with the ability for us to white-label Spotfire by showing users information about the templates and the library that we don't ...
about 8 years ago in Spotfire / Library 0 Future Consideration

Trimmed down table output in Automation Services Email Job

Automation Services Job which has a send Email task -> 'Added Visualization Images'is trimming down table visualisation in email output and I am able to see only top 68 rows (Total are 120). TIBCO support suggested to raise an enhancement. Kind...
about 8 years ago in Spotfire / Automation Services 0 Future Consideration