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Provide instructions on how to restart the Spotfire Server when following the TSS Tarball Linux installation option.

The Spotfire Server administrator wants instructions in the manual as to how to restart the Spotfire Server when following the TSS Tarball Linux installation option.
about 9 years ago in Spotfire / System Administration 0 Implemented

Function for generating a shape representing distance from point on a sphere (useful also for almost-spherical things such as the Earth)

(Inspired by support case TS-41843, where the customer seems to have drawn a plain 2D circle in the hope that that would represent "100 miles away from a specific point", which it doesn't.) I would like to have a function which e.g. using good eno...
about 9 years ago in Spotfire / Maps 0 Implemented

Make the server push installation locations configurable.

We all know that virusses and malware attempt to use known vulnerable locations on your computer. One of those vulnerable locations is the appdata temp which is used by Spotfire. To make your company a safer place you want to prevent software to ...
about 5 years ago in Spotfire / Installation 0 Implemented