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Spotfire Ideas Portal

Create a searchable catalogue of Spotfire Analyses

My thoughts on an improvement to the product would be a concept of a catalogue, where I could build an analysis and then "publish" it with a description of what it is to a catalogue.  people could browse/search the catalogue find something that looks similar to what they need and they can either request access to it, or contact the owner of it to learn more information.

One big issue for my organization is if the users do not have access to a library they can't see it.  There is no visibility into what other Spotfire analyses have been developed across our organization.  A catalogue with meta data tags would allow a user to at least search and discover who else in the organization as built a P & L analysis for example, which could spur joint development leading to less duplication of effort, or shortened development times if work has already been accomplished in another segment of the organization..

I'm trying to find a way to give visibility (not access) to all the projects that have been created.  i.e.  UserA in the west sales region is building an analysis but user B in east region has already built a DXP that does 80% of what user A wants.  but user A has no visiblity to see what User B has done so unless they actually talk or hear through the grapevine, user A has no idea that 80% of what he wants is already done.  



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