We would like to use the map as a filtering option, instead of just highlighting by means of markers.
The current alternative of using marking provides no interactivity of the detailed graphs.
This is a known feature in any other vizualization tool such as Tableau. We would like to use Spotfire as a dashboarding tool for our 25k+ people company, but lacking features like this makes it very difficult.
Hi all,
This issue has been resolved.
I misinterpreted the answer from the Spotfire Support, for which I am sorry.
It is possible to use the map as filter by setting multiple markings.
1) Make a marking for the Map, e.g. TurbineSelection
2) Go to another graph, filter data by TurbineSelection' Marking
3) Make a marking for the other graph, e.g. 'Marking'
4) Repeat 2 and 3 for making another graph
Now the 'Marking' ensures that highlighting in one graph also highlights in another graph.
Please also see the attached files for clarity.
It is great that this is possible and I hope that you find this answer helpfull.
Best regards