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Allow Lines and Curves to use Column Matches

See attached file. We have an ongoing issue where an (Empty) value in a Data Table Relation does not allow us to plot lines, while this exact same function works for custom expressions. The reason I got from support is basted below. This would be a very useful feature and would prevent what at first glance appears to be an inconsistency with how related tables are handled. As it stands today, we have to manually modify our data in order to get this to work properly which is wasting a lot of time for our engineers.



The reason the cross table manages to sort this out is because it fetches the corresponding rows in the secondary table by use of the somewhat newer feature called column matches (introduced in Spotfire 5.5). Column matches is the way Spotfire manages to combine multiple tables in a plot. Multiple tables in plot was introduced after lines from data table, and the two features use different techniques to combine rows from different tables. If you remove the column matches in the cross table data property page, you will get the smeared out values for Limits Upper and Limits Lower, which should prove that in that case it is column matches that takes care of the matching.

We understand that the use of multiple tables in plots is confusing, and agree that it would be desirable to get a more user friendly set of functionality, but as of the time being, this is as designed. The lines from data table feature uses data relationships (from Spotfire 2.0 or so) and multiple tables in plots, i.e. the possibility to use columns from a secondary data table in plots such as cross table or bar chart is based on column matches (introduced in Spotfire 5.5). This is as designed . Improving this would have to be through enhancements requests for new products.


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