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Ability to disable tooltip in Table visualizations

I often display one single column of images in my tables.  It is annoying that the tooltip shows up by default all the time as the image is self explanatory and has no other details. It would be very handy to have the ability to turn the tooltip off if one so desired.

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    • Guest
      Nov 3, 2018

      related idea:

    • Guest
      Nov 24, 2017

      In Cross Tables too. There's generally no need for a tooltip in a cross table that annoyingly displays the same value I can already see in the cell. Ideally the cross table would have normal Tooltip properties available like other visualizations, so that I could add additional custom drill-down calculations when hovering over cells.

    3 MERGED

    Hide ToollTips in Table Visualization

    Looking for options to hide or disable tooltips in a Table visualization. Tried looking at various options and also API to see if we can find a method that can be invoked, but couple not find an option. We are however able to disable tooltips in a...
    over 8 years ago in Spotfire / Visualization 1 Future Consideration