The default sort for categorical data is alphabetical - sometimes we need to order by a hidden sequencer instead.
In the current product we can achieve it by a custom sort - but this is only useful for static category data.
For dynamic category data there is no way to do it in standard Spotfire - so we keep having to create python scripts and clever loading utilities. It's such a small thing, and so common, we really feel it should be part of the product.
Basically: "Sort by..." is available in the category axis property window, defaults to the same field as the display category, but can be changed to any field or expression.
Hi Hector, I just wanted to link the issues together, but pasted it in the wrong place.
I don’t understand your post. It is a link to another person’s question with the same request.
This is really important. You can do this in most other apps, like SQL Server Reporting Services, ASPxPivotGrid, etc. Not being able to do this leads to some ugly looking analyses that have numbers prepended to value names everywhere. Looks particularly bad on a cross-tab with numbered columns.