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Please add configuration setting to set max number of spotfire analyst concurrent exection on one machine.

Currently there's a limitation of spotfire analyst concurrent exection on one machine. Customers can run 100 analyst instances on one PC but error occurs when launching 101st one.

Recently some customers adopt terminal server that have rich PC resources. Users remote login and execute spotfire via Remote Desktop when they have to handle large data with spotfire. In this kind of usage, concurrent limitation of 100 is not enough, and actually error occurred at one customer because of this limitation.

Could you add configuration setting to set max number of concurret execution that customer can modify according to their usage condition. By using configuration files like Spotfire.Dxp.exe.config or Spotfire.Dxp.Main.dll.config, that they can set it on each machine.

Please consider.


Implemented in 7.10
    Oct 8, 2018

    As of Spotfire 7.10 the restrictions that caused a limit of 100 analyst clients to be started has been removed. Note that each Spotfire Analyst client uses a number of system resources besides CPU and memory that may be depleted which limits the number of concurrent clients even though it looks like there is plenty of CPU power and memory left. 

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