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Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit TS-I-7283 Reusable data limiting expressions (includes data limiting per page).

Data Limit Across Visuals

Allow for applying a limiting expression across the visuals of a tab, or the entire DXP.  Currently you have to right click each visual to apply the same logical condition!

  • Guest
    Jul 19, 2019

    I think the most interesting part of this idea is to have data limiting per page. I often have the case that I want to display a certain aspect of the data on a specific page. A "hard filter" per page would be very useful for that. Niklas' solution is not good in that case as you would have to define a new property for each page.

  • Admin
    Niklas Amberntsson
    Jun 12, 2017

    I would argue that this is possible by defining a String document property containing the expression. Then, whenever you change the document property the change affects all visualizations. Let me know if you don't agree with this?