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Improvements to the ability to select columns within transformations

I'd love to see the following features included in the interface for selecting columns within transformations.

In the Exclude Transformation:

1) Identify the columns to not exclude (i.e include).  If I have 100 columns, and 20 I want to include, it makes sense to find the ones I want to include rather than the ones I want to exclude.

2) Use wildcards to include columns following a naming convention you want to exclude but that might appear in the data source at a later point.  Right now, if you do an exclude transformation, and then the data source adds a column you would have liked to exclude, you have to do a refresh with prompt.

3) Would be great to have a toggle for include / exclude empty values as in the unpivot transformation.


In the Unpivot Transformation:
1) Use wildcards to catch columns that might appear in a later version of the data source.  For instance, if right now, my data source has columns MP1 and MP2, and I want to make them as a pass through called grading term... it would be nice to put MP*.  Later on, I know I'll have MP3 and MP4, but when those appear, my transformation won't catch them.



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    • Guest
      Nov 3, 2017

      Just a quick note regarding 2: You don't have to do refresh with prompt anymore which will reload everything. Instead you can edit the specific transformation directly from the source view.