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automatically scale a page/tab to the smaller size of a phone/tablet when the analysis is used via the mobile app

An analysis developed for a regular computer screen size does not scale (=smaller) to a mobile device when using that analysis on eg an iPhone. If possible pls do this first for the KPI vizualizations

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    • Admin
      Niklas Amberntsson
      Mar 8, 2019

      Even if the exact method requested in this Idea is not yet available, as of Spotfire 7.13 and later the capabilities for developing applications for any kind of screen are much improved. Please refer to and please continue providing your comments and feedback, it is much appreciated,

      Spotfire Product Management

    • Guest
      Mar 8, 2019

      I totally agree on the Simon’s opinion. 

    • Guest
      Mar 5, 2018

      I guess we need a couple of things to make Spotfire more easier usable for use on a mobile device :

      - in the design phase, on the developer's PC, be able to tell the Business Author app of Spotfire that you're developing for a mobile device. That means ideally to select "iphone8", "iphone 6Plus", "Ipad mini" etc. That way you visually on the PC what you otherwise would see on that mobile device. Today, I need a lot of trial & error to limit myself to what I add to a page so that it fits on a mobile device (in my case an iPhone 7Plus).

      - scaleability on the end user device. Assuming that with the above new feature I built a screen dedicated for a mobile device, it will automatically scale up and down if the actual device is smaller or bigger than what I designed it for.

      - Or, just scale the "PC screen page" down to the mobile device of whatever size. But that will result in unreadable screens which is why I think in spotfire we need to be able to design specifically for mobile device screen sizes.

      More generically : Various users have screens of different aspect ratios. It would be great if especially the KPI visualizations automatiscall scale better than they do today. Now the tiles stay the same but you get scroll bars. I'd liek the tiles to automatically scale down. Or an option so that the developer can choose between "scrollbars" vs "automaticaly scale" etc.

      Overall I would love that the KPI tiles in Spotfire would have more "sizing" options for the developer to control. Today (7.11 I think) I can only control the width. I would love to be able to control height as well, and also the font sizes. 

      Best regards, Simon 

    • Admin
      Niklas Amberntsson
      Mar 2, 2018

      Simon, would you please elaborate on what you mean with Scale in this context. Like, would you specifically see the text scale larger/smaller, or do you mean scale in some other way? 

      Or should I just take it that you want the same analysis to "work" on both a normal screen and a iPhone size screen?

    • Guest
      Jan 22, 2018

      yeah this applies for larger screens too. 

    1 MERGED

    Automatically adjusts the font size according to the screen size

    I would like the font size to be automatically resized for readability when opening a library in a mobile application. Or I'd like to have a font control option.
    about 6 years ago in Spotfire / Mobile 0 Future Consideration