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Status Already exists
Product Spotfire
Created by Guest
Created on Mar 26, 2019

Consumer view in Spotfire 10.2 should be similar to Spotfire 7.11

When a consumer opens Spotfire 10.2 via the Web, he/she is taken immediately to the #Analytics page. In Spotfire 7.11, the consumer only saw the Library content (#librarybrowser page).

This is very confusing as most of our consumers (AirFrance/KLM) will have no clue what to do when faced with this default landing page.

We would like to have the options/settings on the Licenses tab of a consumer group (in the Administration Manager), where we can disable the Analytic icon for consumers and where we can set the landing page for them (i.e. the #librarybrowser page).

Or, we would like to set the Spotfire landing page in the configuration such a way, that it always opens in the #librarybrowser page rather than the #analytics starting page. This would already help the users a lot in not being lost as they already have to deal with the new Spotfire 10 user interface.

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    Niklas Amberntsson
    May 29, 2019

    It is possible to have the user start in the Library browser in Spotfire 10. takes the user to the library browser. will take the user to the "home" page of the spotfire server so they can choose between Analytics or Library, (and theoretically other apps if they have access to them).

  • Guest
    May 1, 2019

    I thought I could add screen shots but I can't.  Also, I was directed to upvote this idea by support after we concluded that we couldn't get a setting that would show the old launch screen in web player.

  • Guest
    May 1, 2019

    What I ran into with this new configuration was this...

    PROBLEM: The new desktop client opening screen has none of the useful information it used to have, including but not limited, to the last modified date.  I know this information is still available in the web player when viewing the library.  So, I logged on to to the web player to find that information.  When I type in our server name, I very briefly see a flash of the old menu (screenshot attached), which is confusing in and of itself, but then I get taken to the same screen that I see in the desktop (screenshot attached) WITHOUT the information that I need. 

    I contacted TIBCO support because I couldn't get to the old screen that would let me navigate thru the library. Support had me change a setting from the Administration manager.  I unchecked the "open file" license for the enterprise player.  The result of that was at all desktop users lost the ability to open files from a shared drive. 

    Obviously, I had to change it back.  

    The old launch screen in the desktop was better.  The old launch screen in the web player was better.  TIBCO needs to revert back to launch screens that have functionality that help users, not the screens where 60% of it is taken up with a sales pitch.

  • Guest
    Mar 27, 2019

    The different displays of user interface was caused by having multiple deployment areas. So once all web players are configured the same, the user interface reacts consistently. Only thing which is practical, is to guide consumers to the Home page instead of directing them instantly to the 'analyst client' view.