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Numeric equality issues when using a Single Real column

When doing comparisons against a single real column, the static value entered is not auto cast to a single real. This results in rather odd behavior such as the value 1.1 in a single real column != the user entered value of 1.1 If for example. I have the value 1.1 in excel and import that column as a single real, it is stored internally as 1.1000000238418579 which, since a single real is only precise to 7 digits, is fine, however, the application SHOULD recognize this value as being equivalent to 1.1, regardless of if it is stored as a Real, SingleReal, or any other type of floating point decimal. I have attached a .dxp file where this is happening with some example data. Spotfire displays the value as 1.1, if rounded to its guaranteed precision the value is 1.1, however Spotfire fails to recognize simple numeric equality in this case.

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