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Spotfire Ideas Portal
Status Implemented
Product Spotfire
Created by Guest
Created on Nov 17, 2019

Option to show custom application and document tools in a new top level menu

Currently custom application and document tools show up in the Tools menu. It is also possible to specify that the tool should be placed in a custom menu group.

However when building using Spotfire as a platform for new analytic applications it would be better if it was possible to add some tools and menu groups to one or more new top level menu items. This would make them easier to find for users of the analytic applications.

Since the custom tools are often the most used for users of the analytic application having direct access to them in a top level menu would make the analytic application easier to use. Together with existing co-branding and white-labeling capabilities the special top level menu(s) would also add another element of branding to the customized application.

Implemented in 10.10
    Jun 23, 2020

    In Spotfire 10.10, it is now possible to create custom top level menus for your application and document tools. Read more here.

  • Attach files

Custom menu

I need to add new custom menu in the menu tabs. (Like File, Edit Tools, User etc... ) I have man use cases The first use case is: I have many Pages for example (Users, Groups, Cards, Credits, Mony, Books, Zone) I want to group it in the menu Page...
over 5 years ago in Spotfire / API 1 Implemented